In Planning Emneth
Tuesday 28th May 2019We are at the planning stage with a new development of 44 homes in the land west of playing field, Emneth. These homes are planned to be for sale. A site will be mixed houses and bungalows using slate and pantiles.
As of May 2019 we now have reserved matters planning approval and are busy discharging planning conditions on whole site and applying for building regs on Phase 1. We hope to make a start on first phase this year.
Phase 1 will consist of 7 homes, they will be 3 bed bungalows with garages, en suite to master bed. Clay pantiles and UPVC windows.
You can see the full planning application on the Councils website.

We hope to make a start this year on phase 1 which comprises of 7 x 3 bed bungalows with garages.
Below are some pictures of the archaelogists investigating the site

Phasing Plan
A bigger PDF of the phasing available, including plot numbers.
September 2019
We are now discharging last of planning conditions and have building regs on 7 bungalows fronting the site.
Archaeology have finished there investigations and their wholes are backfilled. We are due to start piling soon. You can see plans of the first phase of bungalows here.
May 2020
We have started work on the first two plots in phase one Plot 43 and Plot 44.
We have put together a progress page for this site. You can see the progress of the site here.
Site Panorama